Mexican students at primary school and their perception and attitude towards science

Ana Cuevas Romo 1 * , Marylola Vega 2, Roberto Hernández Sampieri 1
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1 Department of Research, University of Celaya, México
2 Language Department, University of Celaya, México
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EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 390-395.
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This study is part of a larger research project financed by CONACYT, the Mexican authority in Science, Research and Technology. The purpose of this study is to understand perception and attitude towards science of Mexican students at primary school level. Data were collected through a survey answered by 1,559 students from 38 private and public primary schools in 15 cities across Mexico. Findings show that the students from the sample have a positive perception of their science class, and a rather positive attitude towards science. They also report a positive attitude to math. They report that their teachers apply a diversity of teaching-learning techniques, such as the use of new technologies; the use of observation diaries; visits to museums, factories, parks and other institutions; applying surveys and interviews; teamwork; and so forth; which students like. Statistical analysis show no significant differences in attitude towards science between neither boys and girls, nor private and public school students. The complete research includes interviews to the students’ teachers and the principals of their schools that will further the understanding of teaching and learning of research and science in basic education in Mexico.


Romo, A. C., Vega, M., & Sampieri, R. H. (2015). Mexican students at primary school and their perception and attitude towards science. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(4), 390-395.