Design-based research as an innovation approach in the construction and evaluation of IBSME

Josef Trna 1 * , Eva Trnova 1
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1 Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 2, Issue 2A, pp. 186-191.
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Inquiry-based science and mathematics education (hereinafter IBSME) is a current, supported and implemented teaching/learning method in science and mathematics education. IBSME aims to increase the self-efficacy of teachers in taking ownership of more effective ways of science and mathematics teaching and learning. Students should benefit from IBSME in order to help their motivation and understanding of science and mathematics. An important task is to develop methods for the construction and evaluation of IBSME. We confirmed that design-based research is the appropriate method. Design-based research is a new trend in educational research. This method can be described as a cycle: analysis of a practical problem, development (construction) of solutions, evaluation and testing of solutions in practice and reflection and production of new design principles. Our research outcomes on the use of design-based research in the construction and evaluation of IBSME especially by teachers are presented. This study has been created within the Seventh Framework Programme European project PROFILES, which supports teachers in their use of IBSME.


Trna, J., & Trnova, E. (2014). Design-based research as an innovation approach in the construction and evaluation of IBSME. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), 186-191.


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