Using stories to engage students in a health education school program about genetic testing
Eleftheria Papadeli 1, Eleni Tsakiridou 2, Evangelia Mavrikaki 3
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1 Laboratory Centre of Physical Sciences, Kozani, Greece
2 Department of Primary School Education, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
3 Department of Primary School Education, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 107-114.
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The health education program entitled “Show me your genes and I will tell you who you are” was implemented in a Junior High School in Greece in order to help the participating students get acquainted with basic genetics concepts as well as the procedures and implications of genetic testing. This article presents the stories that were used in one of the sessions of the program and the conclusions that were drawn from their use.
Papadeli, E., Tsakiridou, E., & Mavrikaki, E. (2020). Using stories to engage students in a health education school program about genetic testing.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(3), 107-114.
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