Using a concept cartoon© method to address elementary school students’ ideas about natural phenomena
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1 Department of School Pedagogy, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia
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EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 214-228.
OPEN ACCESS 2016 Views 1528 Downloads
This study investigated the identification and subsequent development or modification of students´ ideas about scientific phenomena by teaching by concept cartoons© method. We found out ideas of students of the fourth grade of primary school by conceptual tasks which were parts of quasi-experiment (pretest and posttest desing). For triangulation purposes, we have used additional research methods (observation, analysis of worksheets). We have found out by the overall evaluation of partial investigations (quasi-experiment, observation, analysis of worksheets) that it is possible to develop / modify children's naive ideas through the application of concept cartoons © method to teaching of science in primary school. We carried out observations of teacher and students which were focused on evaluation of work with concept cartoons© method. We also identified some problems of teacher with concept cartoons© method in instruction.
Minárechová, M. (2016). Using a concept cartoon© method to address elementary school students’ ideas about natural phenomena.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 214-228.