Teacher Education and Didactics Knowledge to Teach Statistics: A Case Study
Bruna Mayara Batista Rodrigues 1 * ,
João Pedro da Ponte 1 More Detail
1 Institute of Education-University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 225-242.
Published: 09 February 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1971 Views 1197 Downloads
This article discusses how two beginning mathematics teachers mobilize and develop their didactics knowledge, specifically concerning knowledge of statistical content and teaching practice, during a teacher education experience. This work was developed as part of a specialization course for elementary school mathematics teachers, in the subjects Data Analysis I and II. The teacher education course took place in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is a qualitative study with an interpretive paradigm, based on a case study with two beginning teachers. The data collected was obtained from sessions by a logbook, audio recordings, and interviews with the teachers after the teacher education course. The course was structured to articulate didactics and statistics knowledge from activities directed to teaching practice. Concerning statistical knowledge, the results show the development of knowledge about different concepts associated with carrying out statistical investigations. Regarding teaching practice, teacher’s learning is highlighted to carry out statistical activities of exploratory nature and statistical investigations in the school context.
Rodrigues, B. M. B., & da Ponte, J. P. (2022). Teacher Education and Didactics Knowledge to Teach Statistics: A Case Study.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(2), 225-242.
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