Secondary school pre-service mathematics teachers' content knowledge of algebraic word problem in Nigeria
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1 Department of General studies (Mathematics), Jubail University College, Jubail Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 350-363.
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Knowledge and understanding of mathematical operations serves as a pre-requisite for the successful translation of algebraic word problems. This study explored pre-service teachers’ ability to recognize mathematical operations as well as use of those capabilities in constructing algebraic expressions, equations, and their solutions. The outcome of the study indicated that pre-service mathematics teachers were unable to identify words/phrases that represent mathematical operations fluently in isolated cases, construct algebraic expression, equations and their solutions from word problems. It was expected that college courses would have profound influence on their performance, but that does not augment positively.
Usman, A. I. (2015). Secondary school pre-service mathematics teachers' content knowledge of algebraic word problem in Nigeria.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(4), 350-363.