Question classification taxonomies as guides to formulating questions for use in chemistry classrooms
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1 Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 353-364.
OPEN ACCESS 1569 Views 1198 Downloads
Teacher questions play an important role in facilitating classroom discourse. Using appropriate question types and proper questioning techniques help to create reflective- active learners. Teacher questions can elicit students’ explanations, elaboration of their ideas and thinking, and they can be used to disclose students’ misconceptions. Despite knowing about the benefits of good questioning, most classroom teachers fail to question their students in ways which go beyond mere requests for explicit, factual information. Several of the question taxonomies developed in the past for classifying teachers’ questions exhibit a potential to serve as guiding frameworks for teachers in formulating and using questions. This paper examines the extent to which existing question classification taxonomies could guide chemistry teachers in developing and using classroom questions. A framework is also suggested to guide chemistry teachers in formulating and using the desired kinds of questions.
Festo, K. (2016). Question classification taxonomies as guides to formulating questions for use in chemistry classrooms.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(3), 353-364.