Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs Towards Mathematics: A Case Study
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1 Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA
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EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 412-435.
Published: 22 May 2022
OPEN ACCESS 2778 Views 1485 Downloads
This case study investigated two pre-service elementary teachers’ changes in beliefs towards mathematics, learning mathematics, and teaching mathematics from the beginning to the end of mathematics methods courses. One of the participants had mathematics learning disability (MLD). The analysis of data gathered using concept maps and interviews at the beginning and end of the method courses revealed mixed findings between the two participants. The findings indicated that both pre-service teachers held negative beliefs before they took methods courses because they believed mathematics was boring, confusing, time-consuming, and a difficult subject. The data also suggested that learning mathematics was difficult and teaching mathematics was challenging. Their negative beliefs were associated primarily with their past school experiences as well as instructional strategies employed at school. One of the participants positively changed her beliefs at the end of the method courses since she described mathematics as a dynamic, creative, and useful subject. However, the other participant with MLD still held negative beliefs primarily about mathematics, as well as for learning and teaching mathematics at the end of the method courses. Data also revealed that utilizing appropriate instructional strategies based on individuals learning styles helped to make learning and teaching mathematics easy and interesting.
Mainali, B. (2022). Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs Towards Mathematics: A Case Study.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4), 412-435.
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