Following up on the impact of a distance learning teachers’ professional development program in science: Α longitudinal case study
Eirini Tzovla 1 * ,
Katerina Kedraka 1 More Detail
1 Democritus University of Thrace, Dragana, Alexandroupolis, Evros, GREECE
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 754-769.
Published Online: 24 September 2023, Published: 01 October 2023
OPEN ACCESS 876 Views 609 Downloads
This paper follows up on the impact of a distance learning teachers’ professional development program on their self-efficacy beliefs in the long term. Specifically, it measures the personal self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectancy beliefs of a group of 122 in-service elementary teachers before the start of the program, immediately after its completion, and two years later. The quantitative was used as the data collection method of the research. The results advocate that both the personal self-efficacy beliefs and the outcome expectancy beliefs of the research participants improved immediately after the program was completed and the former remained relatively improved two years after completion of the program, while the latter returned to the levels they had had before attending the program. Recommendations are made for future research.
Tzovla, E., & Kedraka, K. (2023). Following up on the impact of a distance learning teachers’ professional development program in science: Α longitudinal case study.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(4), 754-769.
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