Five Years of Comparison Between Euclidian Plane Geometry and Spherical Geometry in Primary Schools: An Experimental Study
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1 Sapienza Università di Roma, ITALY
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EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 230-243.
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We present the result of an eight-year didactic experiment in two primary school classes involving comparative geometry activities: a comparison between Euclidean plane geometry and spherical geometry that took place over five years. Following the didactic experiment, three years on from the end of the experiment, final questionnaires were administered and codified in order to evaluate the project’s effect on the pupils’ school performance and attitude, especially with regard to mathematics.
Gambini, A. (2021). Five Years of Comparison Between Euclidian Plane Geometry and Spherical Geometry in Primary Schools: An Experimental Study.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(4), 230-243.
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