Establishing a physics concept inventory using computer marked free-response questions
Mark A. J. Parker 1 * ,
Holly Hedgeland 1 2,
Sally E. Jordan 1,
Nicholas St. J. Braithwaite 1 More Detail
1 School of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
2 Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, Herschel Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AL, UK
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 360-375.
Published Online: 05 December 2022, Published: 01 April 2023
OPEN ACCESS 1259 Views 646 Downloads
The study covers the development and testing of the alternative mechanics survey (AMS), a modified force concept inventory (FCI), which used automatically marked free-response questions. Data were collected over a period of three academic years from 611 participants who were taking physics classes at high school and university level. A total of 8,091 question responses were gathered to develop and test the AMS. The AMS questions were tested for reliability using classical test theory (CTT). The AMS computer marking rules were tested for reliability using inter-rater reliability (IRR). Findings from the CTT and IRR studies demonstrated that the AMS questions and marking rules were overall reliable. Therefore, the AMS was established as a physics concept inventory which uses automatically-marked, free-response questions. The approach used to develop and test the AMS could be used in further attempts to develop concept inventories which make use of automatically-marked, free-response questions.
Parker, M. A. J., Hedgeland, H., Jordan, S. E., & Braithwaite, N. S. J. (2023). Establishing a physics concept inventory using computer marked free-response questions.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(2), 360-375.
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