A case study on teaching of energy as a subject for 9th graders
Sevim Bezen 1 * ,
Celal Bayrak 1,
Isil Aykutlu 1 More Detail
1 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 243-261.
OPEN ACCESS 1819 Views 1154 Downloads
This study aims to describe how energy subject is taught in 9th grades. The study is designed as a descriptive case study with the participation of 3 physics teachers and 85 students. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documents, and they were analyzed through descriptive analysis method. In the observations made at the participating schools, it was revealed that the teaching process of energy subject was improved by general lecturing and hence students have incorrect or incomplete knowledge on the topic. In the study, it was determined that teaching of energy subject was enjoyable because it is mostly related to daily life and it includes interpretation-based questions; it was also determined, however, that students have difficulty comprehending the subject.
Bezen, S., Bayrak, C., & Aykutlu, I. (2017). A case study on teaching of energy as a subject for 9th graders.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(3), 243-261.
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